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"The Original Rat Proofing Company®"

Attic Cleaning

Decontamination & Sanitizing

For Your Home or Business

Attic Cleaning & Decomtamination

Allowing rodents to live in your attic can be dangerous, when rats spend any anount of time in the attic they are causing a lot of damage.  They chew on wires, destroy insulation and leave tons of rat droppings that with time will dry up and turn to dust that will fall through ceiling cracks and ceiling penetrations where it becomes airborne in your home.

At American Rat Control Inc.® we have developed a process to completly clean and sanitize your attic space to help make your home, you and your family healthier.  Call today for a free inspection and evaluation of the extent of the rodent damage.

Attic Cleaningl in Los Angeles

Recessed Lights & Ceiling Penetrations

Rat Droppings Dust & Rat Hair Become Airborn

Attic Cleaning & Sanitizing Services in Los Angeles

Are you dealing with rodents in your home? We're here for you - rat infestations are at an all-time high right now and getting worse. While a rodent in your attic may not seem like a major problem, it’s actually a very serious matter due to their ability to transmit dangerous bacteria and diseases. Also, they can damage the interior of your home by destroying insulation and chewing on wires.

At American Rat Control Inc.®, we are proud to offer professional attic cleaning and sanitizing services that will help to make the air in your home healthier to breath for you and your family.

Call us today for a free inspection and evaluation to identify the amount of damage caused by rats living and nesting in the attic space right above your kitchen and bedroom.

Rodent Damage in Your Attic Space

After your home has been rat proofed and all the rats have been trapped and removed, its time to clean and sanitiz the attic space above your head.  Rats in the attic space create a host of health concerns and possible damge to the structure and contents of your home.
  • Chew Wires (May cause a house fire)
  • Destroy Insulation

  • Leave Large Amounts of Rat Droppings


Clean & Sanitize

  • Rat Mites
  • Dead Rats

  • Virus, Bacteria and Disease

How it Works!

The process is simple yet, hard dirty work, we need to wear protective breathing equipment and clothing to protect the health of our attic cleaning specialist technicians.  The following is what we do when cleaning your attic space.


  • Protect the floor, walls and other rooms with plastic walls from the entrance to the attic access

  • Remove all accessible insulation, dead rats, rat nests and other debris

  • Vacuum all accessible rodent droppings and other rodent related contamination

  • Fogg in an anti-bacterial solution in to the arttic space to help kill virus, bacteria and diseas

  • Seal pipe holes and wire holes in the attic space

  • wsipe down ducting and mechanicle equipment

  • Re-install new attic insulation