Gopher Service Warranty

American Rat Control Inc.® warranties our work on your property.  As long as you remain the owner, you are covered under this warranty. 

If at anytime during the warranty period gophers return to the area we treated under your service agreement, we will return and treat for gophers at no additional charge to you.

Call 866-728-2878  for a free quote
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"The Original Rat Proofing Company®"

Professional Gopher Control

Gopher Trapping

Gopher Trapping is Our Preferred Method

We offer diffrent methods of solving gopher infestations, but our preferred method is trapping, we locate the tunnel, place gopher traps, then return to remove the gophers, we will do this for upto 60 days.

Thomomys—Valley Pocket Gophers

Pocket Gophers are found all through Southern California, they get their name from the fur lined pockets in their cheeks. 

About Gophers

Gopher Activity

Gophers are active during all seasons of the year and working at any time of day. They live and feed underground, eating roots of plants and grass at the surface, and rarely emerge from their tunnels to gather food.

Hoarding Food

Gophers constantly hoard food, using their fur lined cheek pockets to transport food to their underground food storage chambers to save for future consumption.

Gopher Reproduction

At one year of age, gophers will begin to breed, gestation lasts for 21 -24 days, at which time female gophers will give birth to 2-5 young.

Social Interactions

Except for periods of mating or weaning young, gophers are solitary animals that prefer to live alone. They are very territorial and will fight to the death to protect their tunnel systems and food caches from invading gophers.

Why We Use Gopher Traps

There are many sensative areas around most properties, we find using gopher traps to be the safest method, there are no poisons left behind and we always know the gopher has been eliminated.

Three gophers trapped in the same tunnel system and quickley dispatched to stop major damage to the customers lawn.

How Gopher Trapping Works!

The safest way to solve gopher infestations is to use gopher traps, we use a specific type of gopher trap that has a 99% success rate. 

We locate the gophers tunnels by using a probe, when the tunnel is located we dig out a small plug then insert two traps, mark the location with a red flag then replace the plug.

We return to service the gopher traps and remove the gopher, there are no poisons or chemicles left behind to harm children, pets and non-target animals.

We will protect your property for the duration of your service warranty period, call us for more information.

Gopher Damage

The image above shows soil ejection holes and the dangers of tripping and falling over the mounds.

The image above shows gopher feed holes, gophers make small openings then eat the grass right around the hole.

Gophers are responsible for millions of dollars in damage to landscape and gardens in the United States each year.  Gophers create holes that can injure farm animals, and people walking in holes in their own garden.

The damage to plants and landscape is very expensive to replace and the gopher mounds create an eye sore for your beautiful garden and landscape.

Other Landscape Animal Pests

Mole Control

Moles are small mouse like animals, they are seldom seen by people, we only see the damage left behind as they tunnel through your garden and landscape, they feed on small insects and worms.

Moles will leave large piles of ejection dirt and small bumps on the lawn as they travel through the grass, it can be very tricky to eliminate them because they can easily detect traps, most of the time mole bait is used to quickly eliminate populations.

Service warranty depends on the extent of the infestation and requires a free inspection.

Ground Squirrel Control

Ground Squirrels have short hair on their tails and live in burrows that undermine the soil, when left alone they will breed and take over your garden or landscape consuming all plants and vegetables.

The burrows can be so extensive that at some point the ground may collapse causing a mudslide, besides doing damage to the landscape they can carry fleas that have been known to carry plague.  Eliminating ground squirrels around your property is very important to protecting you, your family and your garden.

Service warranty depends on the extent of the infestation and requires a free inspection.

Vole Control

Voles are a mouse like animal that live underground, they live in pretty large colonies and have extensive tunnels.  They are shy and are hard to see, they become active at dusk and must hide from predators.

Voles eat plants and bark of trees, they can destroy a landscape or garden in a very short time, evidence of their presence are open holes about the size of a golf ball and worn out paths going to and from their entrance.

Eliminating voles can be tricky, it requires skill and the right equipment to get this pest under control.